BioTech FYI Center - Resources

Compounds and Reagents

Compounds and Reagents

Periodic Tables

  • Chemicool Periodic Table - one of the best periodic tables on the Web. It is color-coded based on form (solid, liquid, gas, synthetic) and groups (rare earth metals, noble gases, etc.). It contains a wealth of knowledge about each element, including information about states, energies, oxidation states, appearance, and many other characteristics.

  • WebElements - this award-winning website provides first and foremost the Periodic Table of the chemical elements. For each element, the site provides a description and an exhaustive amount of statistical and other information on the element. The user can switch between several different categories of information while looking at a single element (the categories are: general, background information, chemical data, crystallographic information, physical data, nuclear information, electronic information, biological information, and geological information).

  • Element Tables - provides some useful basic information about the chemical elements. The user can view a hypertext version of the Periodic Table or obtain a list of the elements by atomic number numerical order, alphabetic name order, or alphabetic symbol order.

  • Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory - a clickable imagemap of the Periodic Table of the elements. A use for each element is cited, as well as its atomic number, symbol, weight, and electron configuration. A variety of other information may be reported including sources of the element, its history, forms it occurs in, uses, and cost.

Miscellaneous Chemical Sites

  • The Chemist's Art Gallery This site is a good site for downloading mpegs of chemical rotation, protein binding, diffusion, chromosomes, and other molecules of interest to the chemist and biologist.
  • Virtual Reality Modeling Language in Chemistry This German site offers information on using and downloadable software that uses VRML to create 3D images of chemicals.
  • ChemFinder by CambridgeSoft - a very nice database of information on chemical compounds. Simply enter the name of the compound, along with its formula, molecular weight, melting and boiling points and structure. Successful searches return the chemical compound, a list of synonyms, the chemical formula and molecular weight, the chemical structure, and other information (e.g., evaporation rate, flash point, specific gravity).

  • NIST Chemistry WebBook - provides users with easy access to a huge amount of chemical and physical property data for chemical species. Detailed online FAQs and guides to searching for and using the data are also available.

  • The WWW Chemical Structures Database - a search engine for chemical structures (more than 2250 at review). The database may also be searched by chemical name, formula, full-structure, and substructure.

  • Spectral Data Base System (SDBS) - a compendium of common characterization data for over 10,000 compounds. The compound structure, 1H NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrum, 13C NMR spectrum, and mass spectrum may be displayed by entering either the compound name, molecular formula, or Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number.

  • EPA's Top 20 Hazardous Substances - find out what the most harmful chemicals are.

  • Klotho - a biochemical compounds declarative database.

Places to Find Reagents

  • Chemical Online - provides searchable information about chemical suppliers, equipment suppliers, chemical industry news, plus downloadable software and a jobs database.

  • BioSupplyNet - an on-line directory for research products and services. It provides access to more than 1600 suppliers and lists suppliers for more than 15,000 reagents, supplies, equipment and services used by the research community.

  • CombiChem/Mass Screening YellowPages - a comprehensive list of suppliers for combinatorial chemistry and mass screening. The suppliers include software companies, information services, robotic companies, and chemical suppliers.

  • Sigma-Aldrich Corporation - provide an on-line ordering service, product technical data, enzyme assay protocols, and more. A great time-saver for the laboratory researcher.

  • Midwest Scientific - offers laboratory supplies and reagents. From this site you can access productinformation, place an order, download protocols and manuals, and view sales opportunities.

Compounds and Reagents