BioTech FYI Center - Resources |
Online Visualization Tools
Online Visualization Tools
Online Programes
- Pratt - pattern
discovery online
- Expression Profiler - online tool for expression profile clustering and sequence
pattern discovery
- Database searches , Blitz ,...).
- Database searches at DISC (Japan) -- includes Fasta, BLAST, MPsrch and SRS
- Biologist's Control Panel (Baylor college of medicine).
- BCM Search Launcher searches, alignments.
, Sequence alignment and modeling system (using HMMs).
- Match sequence
against PROSITE .
Analysis of multiple alignments (Geoff Barton).
- MSA, Clustal W multiple
sequence alignment.
- PredictProtein , Heidelberg.
- PSA , Protein Sequence
Analysis: fits a structure model to your sequence.
- Sequence analysis tools , PDB, including multiple
sequence alignment .
- MEME ,
motif discovery tool.
- Block Maker , at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
- Bioinformation Search Center
- Longer list
- J-Express , a
tool for analysing microarray gene expression data
- Clustal W ,
multiple sequence alignment
- Phylip
, phylogenetic analysis.
- Pratt , pattern
- GCG ,
Wisconsin Sequence Analysis Package Program Manual.
- PROPHET , UNIX based
software package for data analysis.
- RasMol ,
free program which displays molecular structures.
- MolScript , program for creating molecular graphics in the form of PostScript
plot files.
- PairWise and SearchWise , Ewan Birney's excellent tools for sequence alignment
and search.
- MEME , Multiple EM for
Motif Elicitation
Online Visualization Tools |