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Bioinformatics FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Universities

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(Continued from previous part...)

There are (according to H L View) PhD, MPhil and Honours programmes in bioinformatics (plus a bioinformatics minor) available at Murdoch University's Centre for Bioinformatics and Biological Computing.

Rachel Oh said that is possible to study a near-bioinformatics programme at QUT (Queensland University of Technology): the B. Sci (biotech maj.) & IT (in software engineering & data comms) IF29. A copy of the course is available by searching their Website.

The University of New South Wales in Sydney offers a Bachelor of Engineering in Bioinformatics.

According to Jonathan Watts, "Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane QLD offers a Bachelor of Applied Science Innovation, with a major in Bioinformatics" from 2004.

Sydney University in New South Wales offers a Bachelor's of Science and a postgraduate, Master of Applied Science degree in Bioinformatics. Thanks to Dominic Lau and Sebastien Gerega or the update.

If you know of any other bioinformatics courses is Australasia please feel free to mail me about them.

New Zealand

Thanks to Danushka for the information that the University of Auckland, New Zealand has a BSc (Hons) in bioinformatics.



A bioinformatics option is offered as part of degree courses at the Graz University of Technology (Technische Universität Graz) in Graz, Austria.


A consortium including nearly all the French-speaking universities of Belgium (Bruxelles, Liège, Louvain, Mons, Namur and Gembloux) is offering the "Inter-University DEA/DES (Master) in Bioinformatics".

The Department of Engineering at the Katholieke Universitiet of Leuvan offers a Master of Bioinformatics degree.


The Bioinformatics Centre at The University of Copenhagen offers a two-year masters program in bioinformatics. Thanks to Thomas Litman.

The Technical University of Denmark, Center for Biological Sequence Analysis offers a two-year International MSc. in bioinformatics.

Syddansk Universitet (The University of Southern Denmark) offers both BSc- and MSc- level Bioinformatik / Experimental Bioinformatics. Thanks to Fiona Nielsen for the updated link---"Center for Experimental Bioinformatics".

(Continued on next part...)

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Bioinformatics FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Universities