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Restore Structure from Server to Ketcher
How to restore a chemical structure from the Web server to the Ketcher editor? If you want to build a chemical structure editor with the capability to save the structure on the Web server and restore it later to the Ketcher, you should follow steps described below: 1. Using JavaScript to export the ...
2023-10-11, 329🔥, 0💬

Ketcher JavaScript API
Where to find FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Ketcher JavaScript API? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Ketcher JavaScript API. What Is Ketcher JavaScript API contentWindow.ketcher - Access "ketcher" Object ketcher.setMolecule...
2023-10-05, 748🔥, 0💬

Build Ketcher Editor Web Page
How to build my own Ketcher editor Web Page? If you want to build your Web page and offer Ketcher as a Chemical Structure Editor in the middle of the page, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Follow the previous tutorial to install Ketcher on your Web server. 2. Create a new HTML document, editor.html,...
2023-10-05, 474🔥, 0💬

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