JSME User Interface Menu Icons


What are JSME user interface menu icons?

✍: FYIcenter.com


JSME user interface menu icons are organized into 3 groups:

1. Action Icons - Located on in the first icon bar on top of the editor. Actions icons allows you to perform the following actions:

  • SMILES - Displays the SMILES string of everything in the editor.
  • Delete All - Removes all atoms and bonds in the editor.
  • New - Allows you to starts a new molecule in the editor.
  • Delete - Allows you to delete an atom or bond by clicking on it.
  • Number - Allows you to do atom numbering.
  • Delete Substructure - Allows you to do delete a substructure.
  • Query - Allows you add query atoms and query bonds.
  • Charge - Allows you to change charged states on atoms.
  • Reaction - Allows you to add reaction input.
  • Undo - Undoes the last change.
  • Redo - Redoes the last undo.
  • Spiro - Flags the next ring to be a spiro ring.
  • Version - Displays version information.

2. Structure Icons - Located on in the second icon bar on top of the editor. Structure icons allows you to change the next drawing structure parts:

  • Stereo Bond - Changes the stereo bond types and directions.
  • Single Bond - Draws a single bond or changes an existing bound to single bond.
  • Double Bond - Draws a double bond or changes an existing bound to double bond.
  • Triple Bond - Draws a triple bond or changes an existing bound to triple bond.
  • Bond Chain - Draws a chain of bounds.
  • Square Ring - Draws a square ring.
  • Pentagon Ring - Draws a pentagon ring.
  • Hexagon Ring - Draws a hexagon ring.
  • Heptagon Ring - Draws a heptagon ring.
  • Octagon Ring - Draws an octagon ring.
  • Functional Group - Draws a functional group.
  • Move Atom - Moves an atom.

3. Element Icons - Located on in the side bar on the left of the editor. Element icons allows you to change the element name of the select atom.

  • C - Carbon
  • N - Nitrogen
  • O - Oxygen
  • S - Sulfur
  • F - Fluorine
  • CI - Chlorine
  • Br - Bromine
  • I - Iodine
  • P - Phosphorus
  • X - Input for other elements

The following picture shows locations of some menu icons on the JSME user interface (Source: ucd.ie).

Menu Icons on JSME User Interface
Menu Icons on JSME User Interface


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