What Is PK R Package


What Is the PK R Package?

✍: Guest


The PK R Package is designed to perform all Non-Compartmental Analysis (NCA) calculations for Pharmacokinetic (PK) data.

Functions provided in PK package:

  • lee - Two-phase half-life estimation by linear fitting
  • ci - Function to extract confidence interval(s)
  • nca - Estimation of various PK parameters
  • eqv - Bioequivalence between AUCs
  • plot.halflife - Plot regression lines used for half-life estimation
  • test - Function for hypothesis testing for objects of class PK
  • Rep.tox - Plasma levels in rats following daily intravenous administration in a repeated dose toxicity study
  • estimator - Function to extract point estimate(s)
  • all.class - Different generic functions for class PK.
  • auc - Estimation of confidence intervals for the area under the concentration versus time curve in complete and incomplete data designs
  • PKNews - Shows changes and news
  • Glucose - Baseline adjusted glucose levels following alcohol ingestion
  • biexp - Two-phase half-life estimation by biexponential model
  • auc.complete - Confidence intervals for the area under the concentration versus time curve in complete data designs
  • Rats - Plasma levels in female rats following a single oral dose
  • CPI975 - Plasma levels of CPI975 in rats following a single oral dose

For more information, visit The PK R Package Website and Package "PK" documentation.


⇒ "Rats" Data Frame in PK R Package

⇐ What Is PKNCA R Package

⇑ PK (Pharmacokinetic) Modeling Tools

⇑⇑ PK/PD Tutorials

2021-05-04, 1455🔥, 0💬