Ketcher File Structure


How is the Ketcher file structured?



At a high level, a Ketcher file is structured to represent an object with a required property "root", which has a property "nodes" to hold an array of graphical objects. The hight level structure of a Ketcher file looks like this:

    "root": {
        "nodes": [

Each graphical object has a required property "type" to specify the nature of the object. Here are some examples:

    "type": "molecule",
    (A molecule structure)
    "type": "text",
    (A text label)
    "type": "arrow",
    (A line ended with an arrow )
    "type": "plus",
    (A plus sign)

If the object is a "molecule", it must to be defined as a referenced-object. and move it the top level. The reason for the exception is probably to make the "nodes" structure short and easier to read. So the Ketcher file structure for a molecule with a text label looks like:

    "root": {
        "nodes": [
                "$ref": "mol<seq>"
                "type": "text",
    "mol<seq>": {  
        "type": "molecule",

Note that the name of the referenced-molecule must use the pattern of "mol<seq>", where <seq> is a sequential number.


Export Ketcher File from Editor

What Is Ketcher File Format

Ketcher File Format for Chemical Structures

⇑⇑ Ketcher - Chemical Structure Editor

2024-04-14, 338🔥, 0💬