What Is Molecule Structure


What Is Molecule Structure?

✍: FYIcenter.com


Molecule Structure is a graphical model of a molecule on how its atoms are bonded together, with information about atom types/sizes/locations and bound types.

Molecule Structures are 3-dimensional structures which can be visualized in different models. Two examples are list below:

Skeletal Formula - Also called line-angle formula or shorthand formula. Skeletal Formula uses line segments to represent atomic bonds, intersections/ends of line segments to represent atoms, and element symbols to identify atom types. For example, the picture below shows a Skeletal Formula of the Methane molecule:

Methane Molecule in Skeletal Formula
Methane Molecule in Skeletal Formula

Ball-and-Stick Model - Ball-and-Stick Model uses balls to represent atoms, sticks to represent bonds, and colors to identify atom types. For example, the picture below shows a Ball-and-Stick Model of the Methane molecule:

Methane Molecule in Ball-and-Stick Model
Methane Molecule in Ball-and-Stick Model


⇒ Skeletal Formula Notations

⇐ What Is Atomic Bond

⇑ Introduction to Molecules

⇑⇑ Molecule FAQ

2020-04-16, 1051🔥, 0💬