"obprobe" - Create Electrostatic Probe Grid


What Is "obprobe" command? How to use it to optimize the geometry and minimize the energy for a given molecule?

✍: FYIcenter.com


"obprobe" command is a command line tool provided in the Open Babel package that allows you to Create Electrostatic Probe Grid for a given molecule.

Here is the user manual of the "obprobe" command.

     obprobe -- create electrostatic probe grid

     obprobe [OPTIONS] type pchg filename

     The obprobe tool creates a grid around a molecule, placing a probe atom with 
     a specified atom type and partial charge at each point to calculate the 
     MMFF94 energy. This can be used for docking experiments to test hydrogen-
     bond affinity, electrostatic potential, etc.  Output is sent to standard 
     output using the Gaussian Cube format.

     If no filename is given, obprobe will give all options including the example probes.

     -s stepsize
           Set the resolution of the grid (stepsize)

     -p padding
           Set the padding -- extra distance on each side of the box formed by the molecule.

     type  MMFF94 atom type

     pchg  MMFF94 partial charge

    Probe the file pyridines.sdf using a carbonyl oxygen -- a hydrogen bond 
    acceptor with partial charge -0.57:
          obprobe 7 -0.57 pyridines.sdf

    Probe the file pyridines.sdf using a phenyl carbon atom -- a hydrophobic 
    atom with no partial charge:
          obprobe 37 0.0 pyridines.sdf

Here is an example of Create Electrostatic Probe Grid for the tyrosine molecule:

1. Run the "obprobe" command to generate the electrostatic probe grid.

fyicenter$ obprobe 7 -0.57 toluene.sdf 
OBForceFieldMMFF94::GetGrid(0.5, 7)
xDim = 25, yDim = 29, zDim = 21

2. Look at the electrostatic probe grid file:

fyicenter$ head -30 tyrosine_7_-0.570000.cube 

  -13  -14.358327  -12.283219   -9.448630
   33    0.944863    0.000000    0.000000
   27    0.000000    0.944863    0.000000
   21    0.000000    0.000000    0.944863
    6    6.000000   -1.636503   -0.944863    0.000000
    6    6.000000   -3.273194   -0.000000    0.000000
    6    6.000000   -3.273194    1.889726    0.000000
    6    6.000000   -1.636503    2.834589    0.000000
    6    6.000000   -0.000000    1.889726    0.000000
    6    6.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
    6    6.000000    1.636503   -0.944863    0.000000
    6    6.000000    3.273194    0.000000    0.000000
    6    6.000000    4.909697   -0.944863    0.000000
    8    8.000000    4.909697   -2.834589    0.000000
    8    8.000000    6.546200    0.000000    0.000000
    7    7.000000    3.273194    1.889726    0.000000
    8    8.000000   -4.909697    2.834589    0.000000
     1   1
  6.19343E+02  6.19923E+02  6.20471E+02  6.20980E+02  6.21441E+02  6.21847E+02
  6.22191E+02  6.22466E+02  6.22667E+02  6.22789E+02  6.22830E+02  6.22789E+02
  6.22667E+02  6.22466E+02  6.22191E+02  6.21847E+02  6.21441E+02  6.20980E+02
  6.20471E+02  6.19923E+02  6.19343E+02  6.20188E+02  6.20820E+02  6.21420E+02
  6.21978E+02  6.22485E+02  6.22934E+02  6.23315E+02  6.23621E+02  6.23845E+02
  6.23981E+02  6.24027E+02  6.23981E+02  6.23845E+02  6.23621E+02  6.23315E+02
  6.22934E+02  6.22485E+02  6.21978E+02  6.21420E+02  6.20820E+02  6.20188E+02
  6.21044E+02  6.21733E+02  6.22388E+02  6.23001E+02  6.23561E+02  6.24058E+02
  6.24481E+02  6.24821E+02  6.25070E+02  6.25222E+02  6.25273E+02  6.25222E+02
  6.25070E+02  6.24821E+02  6.24481E+02  6.24058E+02  6.23561E+02  6.23001E+02

fyicenter$ tail tyrosine_7_-0.570000.cube 
  6.26071E+02  6.26480E+02  6.26782E+02  6.26967E+02  6.27029E+02  6.26967E+02
  6.26782E+02  6.26480E+02  6.26071E+02  6.25567E+02  6.24980E+02  6.24325E+02
  6.23615E+02  6.22864E+02  6.22083E+02  6.21224E+02  6.21941E+02  6.22626E+02
  6.23271E+02  6.23862E+02  6.24390E+02  6.24842E+02  6.25206E+02  6.25474E+02
  6.25639E+02  6.25694E+02  6.25639E+02  6.25474E+02  6.25206E+02  6.24842E+02
  6.24390E+02  6.23862E+02  6.23271E+02  6.22626E+02  6.21941E+02  6.21224E+02
  6.20369E+02  6.21025E+02  6.21651E+02  6.22236E+02  6.22771E+02  6.23245E+02
  6.23650E+02  6.23976E+02  6.24215E+02  6.24361E+02  6.24410E+02  6.24361E+02
  6.24215E+02  6.23976E+02  6.23650E+02  6.23245E+02  6.22771E+02  6.22236E+02

To view the electrostatic probe grid in the above file, you drag drop the file to the OpenMX viewer.


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2020-10-26, 946🔥, 0💬