Single Dose PK Dataset


Where Can I find an example of a single dose PK dataset?

✍: Guest


Here is an example of a single dose PK dataset published in "SAS Programming to Calculate AUC in Pharmacokinetic Studies" by John He.

           t0    t1     t2     t3    t4     t5    t6    t7    t8    t9   t10    t11
   Time  0.00  0.25   0.50   0.75  1.00   1.50  2.00  3.00  4.00  6.00  8.00  12.00

001-002  0.00  0.55   1.48   3.72  4.38   8.40  6.43  2.07  1.03  0.20  0.12   0.04
001-003  0.00  0.19   1.31   2.91  4.44  12.06  7.86  3.15  1.82  0.43  0.20   0.07
001-004  0.00         0.20   0.56  0.82   0.65  0.94  1.65  7.52  0.67  0.18   0.05
001-005  0.00  0.23  11.39  10.21  7.63   4.21  2.38  1.48  0.90  0.24  0.12   0.03
001-006  0.00  0.12  10.05   8.84  7.38   4.18  3.14  1.05  0.48  0.13  0.06  
001-007  0.00  1.45   2.07   3.76  3.25   7.91  8.30  2.72  1.29  0.29  0.13   0.06
001-008  0.00  0.11   4.25   8.35  9.35   5.76  9.53  5.96  3.39  0.69  0.26   0.07

MEAN     0.00  0.44   4.39   5.48  5.32   6.17  5.51  2.58  2.35  0.38  0.15   0.05
STD      0.00  0.52   4.51   3.62  2.94   3.68  3.33  1.66  2.47  0.23  0.07   0.02

This PK dataset provides drug concentrations at 12 time instances for 7 subjects. It has two missing data values.

Note that you can use Excel AVERAGE() and STDEV() functions to calculate the mean value and standard deviation.


⇒ Trapezoidal PK AUC Model

⇐ Single Dose AUC Calculation

⇑ PK AUC Calculation

⇑⇑ PK/PD Tutorials

2022-11-04, 766🔥, 0💬