Single Dose AUC Calculation


What Is Single Dose AUC Calculation?

✍: Guest


Single Dose AUC Calculation for Non-Compartmental Analysis (NCA) is relatively simple. There are 4 commonly used methods: Trapezoidal, Log-linear trapezoidal, Lagrange polynomial, and Purves, as described in "SAS Programming to Calculate AUC in Pharmacokinetic Studies" by John He.

1. Trapezoidal Method - Trapezoidal Method uses a straight line connecting two adjacent concentration-time points to simulate the actual the drug concentration curve.

2. Log-Linear Method - Log-Linear Method uses an exponential curve connecting two adjacent concentration-time points to simulate the actual the drug concentration curve.

3. Lagrange Polynomial Method - Lagrange Polynomial Method uses a cubic polynominal conneting four adjacent concentration-time points to simulate the actual the drug concentration curve.

3. Purves Method - Purves Method is an revised version of the Log-Linear method, by using a parabola through the origin curve for the absorption phase.


⇒ Single Dose PK Dataset

⇐ PK AUC Calculation

⇑ PK AUC Calculation

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