Tools for SDF/Mol V3000 File Format


What are tools that support the SDF/Mol V3000 file format?

✍: Guest


There are a number of online or standalone tools that support the SDF/Mol V3000 file format.

Open Babel - Can read and write molecules in SDF/Mol V3000 file format.

(Convert SDF to SDF V3)
fyicenter$ obabel FYI-001.sdf -o sdf -O test.sd3 -x3
  1 molecule converted

(Convert SDF V3000 to SDF)
fyicenter$ obabel -i sdf test.sd3 -O test.sdf
  1 molecule converted

JSME (Molecule Editor in JavaScript) - Can read and write molecules in SDF/Mol V3000 file format. - Can create molecules and write them in SDF/Mol V3000 file format.

Tools that does not support SDF/Mol V3000 file format:


Stereochemistry, Chirality, Parity

What Is SDF/Mol V3000 File Format

Introduction to SDF/Mol V3000 File Format

⇑⇑ SDF/Mol File FAQ

2021-04-04, 3084🔥, 0💬