Ketcher User Interface Menu Icons


What are Ketcher user interface menu icons?



Ketcher user interface menu icons are organized into 4 toolbars:

1. Action toolbar - Displayed horizontally at the top of the window, the main toolbar contains the following buttons to perform different actions:

  • Clear canvas - Removes everything in the editor.
  • Open - Imports structure from local structure files or copy-paste content.
  • Save as - Exports structure from the editor in multiple formats.
  • Copy - Copies the selected sub-structure to other applications.
  • Paste - Pastes structures copies from other applications.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected sub-structure off.
  • Undo - Undo the last change on the structure.
  • Redo - Redo the last undo change.
  • Aromatize - Converts the structure to Aromatic presentation.
  • Dearomatize - Converts the structure to Kekule presentation.
  • Layout - Adjusts the layout of the structure.
  • Clean up - Adjusts bond lengths and angles of the structure.
  • Calculate CIP - Determines R/S and E/Z configurations.
  • Check - Checks the structure for errors.
  • Calculated values - Displays chemical properties.
  • 3D viewer - Opens the structure in a 3D viewer.
  • Settings - Displays and updates settings.
  • Help - Displays the user guide in a Web browser.
  • About - Displays version information.
  • Fullscreen mode - Changes the Ketcher editor to full screen mode.
  • Zoom - Displays the current zoom percentage and changing options.

2. Drawing toolbar - Displayed vertically at the left of the window, the drawing toolbar contains the following buttons to edit the structure:

  • Hand tool - Allows you to move the structure.
  • Selection tool - Allows you to select sub-structure in rectangle, lasso or fragment selection mode.
  • Erase tool - Allows you to erase parts of the structure.
  • Bond tool - Allows you to add different types of bonds including any bonds.
  • Chain tool - Allows you to draw chains of carbons.
  • Stereochemistry tool - Allows you to assign and display enhanced stereochemistry properties of the structure.
  • Charge plus - Allows you to increase the charge of an atom by 1.
  • Charge minus - Allows you to decrease the charge of an atom by 1.
  • Rotate tool - Allows you to rotate or flip the selected sub-structure.
  • S-Group tool - Allows you to mark S-Groups.
  • Reaction plus - Allows you to add the plus mark for a reaction structure.
  • Arrow tool - Allows you to add different types of arrows for a reaction structure.
  • Reaction mapping - Allows you to map same atoms in reagents and products.
  • R-Group label - Allows you to draw R-groups in Markush structure.
  • Shape tool - Allows you to draw geometry shapes.
  • Text tool - Allows you to dd text to the structure.

3. Atoms toolbar - Displayed vertically at the right of the window, the atoms toolbar contains the following buttons to add or change atoms in the structure:

  • H - Hydrogen
  • C - Carbon
  • N - Nitrogen
  • O - Oxygen
  • S - Sulfur
  • F - Fluorine
  • CI - Chlorine
  • Br - Bromine
  • I - Iodine
  • PT - Periodic Table
  • A - Any atom
  • ET - Extended table

4. Templates toolbar - Displayed horizontally at the bottom of the window, the Templates toolbar contains the following buttons to add predefined structures:

  • Benzene
  • Cyclopentadiene
  • Cyclohexane
  • Cyclopentane
  • Cyclopropane
  • Cyclobutane
  • Cycloheptane
  • Cyclooctane
  • Custom templates

The following picture shows locations of those toolbars.

Ketcher - Chemical Structure Editor UI
Ketcher - Chemical Structure Editor UI

For more details, see "Ketcher Overview" at Ketcher Website.


Show InChI String on Ketcher

Ketcher Editor User Interface

Ketcher Editor User Interface

⇑⇑ Ketcher - Chemical Structure Editor

2023-11-06, 598🔥, 0💬