"pdb=..." - Load PDB Data in 3Dmol Viewer


How to load a protein structure with the PDB ID in the Online 3Dmol Viewer?

✍: FYIcenter.com


You can use the pdb={PDB_ID} URL parameter to load protein data from https://www.rcsb.org/ in the Online 3Dmol Viewer.


For example, enter the following URL in Web browser. You see the protein structure is displayed in the 3Dmol Viewer.


By default the structure is displayed in the "line" style as shown below.

Online 3Dmol Viewer - Default 'line' Style
Online 3Dmol Viewer - Default 'line' Style

Note that the protein structure data is loaded with the following PDB API:



"style=..." - Specify Display Style in 3Dmol Viewer

URL Parameters for 3Dmol Viewer

Using Online Server of 3Dmol Viewer

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2023-01-06, 792🔥, 0💬