Download 3Dmol.js Source Code


How to download the source code of the 3Dmol.js library locally?



If you are interested in reading the source code, examples and other resources of the 3Dmol.js library, you can follow these steps to download the source code package.

1. Go to 3Dmol.js Official Release Website.

2. Click "Source code (zip)" in the latest release section to download the source code package.

3. Save the downloaded file as

-rw-r--r--@  1 fyicenter  staff  227317395 Dec 20 20:08

4. Unzip and check for its files:

fyicenter$ unzip
fyicenter$ tree 3Dmol.js-1.8.0
├── 3Dmol
│   ├── 3dmol.js
│   ├── ProteinSurface4.js
│   ├── SurfaceWorker.js
│   ├── WebGL
│   │   ├── camera.js
│   │   ├── core.js
│   │   ├── extras.js
│   │   ├── lights.js
│   │   ├── materials.js
│   │   ├── math.js
│   │   ├── objects.js
│   │   ├── renderer.js
│   │   ├── scene.js
│   │   ├── shaders.js
│   │   └── shapes.js
│   ├── autoload.js
│   ├── colors.js
│   ├── glcartoon.js
│   ├── gldraw.js
│   ├── glmodel.js
│   ├── glshape.js
│   ├── glviewer.js
│   ├── gradients.js
│   ├── labels.js
│   ├── marchingcube.js
│   ├── parsers.js
│   ├── properties.js
│   ├── specs.js
│   ├── spinner.gif
│   ├── ui

Note that source code files can not be used directly with your Web applications, you need to use the "npm" command to generate the final 3Dmol.js file.

fyicenter$ cd 3Dmol.js
fyicenter$ npm install


Using Online Server of 3Dmol Viewer

Difference between 3Dmol.js and 3Dmol-min.js

Getting Started with 3Dmol.js

⇑⇑ 3Dmol.js FAQ

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