"surface={...}" - Specify Surface Properties


How to turn on and specify surface properties using the "surface={...}" URL parameter in the Online 3Dmol Viewer?

✍: FYIcenter.com


You can use the surface={key:value;key:value;...} URL parameter to turn on the Van der Waals surface with given properties.

For example, the following URL turns on the Van der Waals surface with default properties:


The following URL turns on the Van der Waals surface with 2 given properties:

Online 3Dmol Viewer - Van der Waals Surface
Online 3Dmol Viewer - Van der Waals Surface


"labelres={...}" - residue Label Properties

"style={...};{...}" - Specify Multiple Styles

Using Online Server of 3Dmol Viewer

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2023-09-07, 438🔥, 0💬