"cid={PubChem_CID}" - Load Molecule from PubMed


How to load a molecule structure with the CID in the Online 3Dmol Viewer?

✍: FYIcenter.com


You can use the cid={PubChem_CID} URL parameter to load a molecule structure from https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ in the Online 3Dmol Viewer.


For example, enter the following URL in Web browser. You see the molecule structure of Aspirin is displayed in the 3Dmol Viewer.

Online 3Dmol Viewer - Load Molecule with CID
Online 3Dmol Viewer - Load Molecule with CID

Note that the molecule structure data is loaded with the following PubMed API:



"url={URL}" - Load Molecule from URL

"labelres={...}" - residue Label Properties

Using Online Server of 3Dmol Viewer

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