"labelres={...}" - residue Label Properties
How to turn on and specify residue label properties using the "labelres={...}" URL parameter in the Online 3Dmol Viewer?
You can use the labelres={key:value;key:value;...} URL parameter to
turn on residue labels with given properties.
For example, the following URL turns on residue labels with default properties:
The following URL turns on residue labels with 2 given properties:;backgroundOpacity:0.5
⇒ "cid={PubChem_CID}" - Load Molecule from PubMed
⇐ "surface={...}" - Specify Surface Properties
⇑ Using Online Server of 3Dmol Viewer
⇑⇑ 3Dmol.js FAQ
2023-09-07, 565🔥, 0💬
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