3Dmol.js Bug - data-ui=true Impacts on Selection


Why is the default style done after removing data-ui="true" in the embedded 3Dmol viewer?

✍: FYIcenter.com


There seems to be code bug in the 3Dmol.js library. Here is an HTML code example, Embedded-Viewer-data-ui-Bug.html, that contains 2 embedded viewers: one with data-ui="true" and the other without data-ui="true":

<p>Without data-ui=true</p>
<div style="width: 400px; height: 400px; position: relative;"
  data-select1='chain:A' data-style1='cartoon:color=spectrum'
  data-select2='chain:B' data-style2='stick'

<p>With data-ui=true</p>
<div style="width: 400px; height: 400px; position: relative;"
  data-select1='chain:A' data-style1='cartoon:color=spectrum'
  data-select2='chain:B' data-style2='stick'

<script src="/3Dmol-min.js"></script>

This example HTML code will displays the same protein in two DIV elements:

Embedded 3Dmol Viewer - data-ui=true Bug
Embedded 3Dmol Viewer - data-ui=true Bug

As you can see, when UI components are turned on, the default style of "line" is applied to the default selection of "all".


Load Data by URL into Embedded 3Dmol Viewer

Multiple Selections with Embedded 3Dmol Viewer

Using Embedded 3Dmol Viewer

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2023-02-03, 490🔥, 0💬