Install JSME 2017-02-26 Version


How to download and install JSME?



If you want to try JSME on your own computer, you can follow this tutorial to download and install it.

1. Go to JSME Website at

2. Click "Download the JSME 2017-02-26" to start downloading.

3. Save the download file as "".

4. Unzip "". You see the "JSME_2017-02-26" sub-folder.

5. Open "./JSME_2017-02-26/index.html" in a Web browser. You see the "JSME Molecule Editor Distribution" page.

6. Click "JSME_test.html" link. You see the "JSME test page" showing various JSME functionalities.

If you can make some changes to the molecule displayed on the screen, you know that JSME is installed correctly as a standalone tool.

JSME Installation Test Page - 2017 Version
JSME Installation Test Page - 2017 Version


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