Enantiomers Isomer Example


What are examples of Enantiomers Isomers?

✍: FYIcenter.com


The picture below gives an example of Enantiomers Isomers:

Stereoisomers > Enantiomers (Mirror Images)
Stereoisomers > Enantiomers (Mirror Images)

The molecule on the left is (R)-Lactic Acid with a chiral C in (R)-configuration, or right-hand configuration, or clockwise configuration.

The molecule on the left is (S)-Lactic Acid with a chiral C in (S)-configuration, or left-hand configuration. or counterclockwise configuration.


⇒ Rotamers Example

⇐ Constitutional Isomer Example

⇑ Introduction to Molecules

⇑⇑ Molecule FAQ

2020-08-03, 3106🔥, 1💬