< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >>   ∑:178  Sort:Rank

Download and Install Ketcher in Standalone Mode
How to Download and Install the latest version of Ketcher in standalone mode? Ketcher can be installed in 2 modes: Standalone and Remote. The Standalone mode incorporates Indigo backend services in the Ketcher build. It allows for Ketcher to work in browser with no server and even without the Intern...
2023-12-17, 695🔥, 0💬

What Is Ketcher - Chemical Structure Editor in JavaScript
What Is Ketcher, Chemical Structure Editor in JavaScript? Ketcher is an open-source web-based chemical structure editor written in JavaScript. It can be used as an integrated online Web tool to draw chemical structures and reactions. Main features of Ketcher are: Fast and convenient editing - Ketche...
2023-12-17, 570🔥, 0💬

generateImage() - Generate Image from Structure
How to generate image from a given chemical structure with the ketcher.generateImage() method? If you want to generate an image from the chemical structure in the Ketcher editor, you can export the structure in a specific format using a get*() method. Then call the ketcher.generateImage(structur e,o...
2023-12-14, 693🔥, 0💬

Call getInchi() and generateInchIKey() Methods
How to generate the InChI and InChIKey with the ketcher.getInchi() and ketcher.generateInchIKey() methods? InChI (International Chemical Identifier) and InChIKey (InChI Key) are identifiers of molecule structures, originally developed by Initially developed by the International Union of Pure and App...
2023-12-14, 452🔥, 0💬

ketcher.getSmiles() and ketcher.getSmarts()
How to export the chemical structure in SMILES and SMARTS formats from the Ketcher with the ketcher.getSmiles() and ketcher.getSmarts() methods? To export the chemical structure (molecule, reaction, or substructure pattern) in SMILES and SMARTS formats from the Ketcher, you can use the getSmiles() a...
2023-12-10, 633🔥, 0💬

ketcher.getRxn() - Export Reaction in RXN Format
How to export the reaction structure in RXN format from the Ketcher with the ketcher.getRxn() method? To export the reaction structure in RXN format from the Ketcher, you can use the getRxn() method provided by the Ketcher API as shown in below: 1. Load the Ketcher editor in an "iframe" HTML element...
2023-12-10, 429🔥, 0💬

What Is Ketcher Editor Interface
What is Ketcher Editor interface? Ketcher Editor interface is part of the Ketcher JavaScript API that allows you to interact with Ketcher editor UI elements. To access Ketcher Editor interface, you need to access the "ketcher" object as a property of the content "window" object of the "iframe" where...
2023-12-08, 417🔥, 0💬

editor.struct() - Get Entire Structure
How to get the entire structure currently in the Ketcher editor with the editor.struct() method? If you want to get detailed information about the entire structure currently in the Ketcher editor, you can call the editor.struct() method on the Ketcher Editor interface. Here is an HTML document that ...
2023-12-08, 318🔥, 0💬

editor.struct().atoms - Get Atom List
How to get a list of atoms currently in the Ketcher editor with the editor.struct().atoms property? If you want to get a list of atoms currently in the Ketcher editor, you can use the editor.struct().atoms property on the Ketcher Editor interface. Here is an HTML document that shows you how to get a...
2023-12-01, 291🔥, 0💬

editor.struct().bonds - Get Bond List
How to get a list of bonds currently in the Ketcher editor with the editor.struct().bonds property? If you want to get a list of bonds currently in the Ketcher editor, you can use the editor.struct().bonds property on the Ketcher Editor interface. Here is an HTML document that shows you how to get a...
2023-12-01, 276🔥, 0💬

editor.struct().loops - Get Loop List
How to get a list of loops currently in the Ketcher editor with the editor.struct().loops property? If you want to get a list of loops currently in the Ketcher editor, you can use the editor.struct().loops property on the Ketcher Editor interface. Here is an HTML document that shows you how to get a...
2023-11-23, 330🔥, 0💬

editor.structSelected() - Get Selected Sub-Structure
How to get the selected sub-structure currently in the Ketcher editor with the editor.structSelected() method? If you want to get detailed information about the selected sub-structure currently in the Ketcher editor, you can use the editor.structSelected() method on the Ketcher Editor interface. Her...
2023-11-23, 300🔥, 0💬

editor.options() - Get Editor Options
How to get a list of options used by the Ketcher editor with the editor.options() method? If you want to get a list of options used by the Ketcher editor, you can use the editor.options() method on the Ketcher Editor interface. Here is an HTML document that shows you how to get a list of options cur...
2023-11-18, 308🔥, 0💬

editor.setOptions() - Set Editor Options
How to get a list of options used by the Ketcher editor with the editor.setOptions() method? If you want to update one or more options used by the Ketcher editor, you can use the editor.setOptions() method on the Ketcher Editor interface. Here is an HTML document that shows you how to update some op...
2023-11-18, 404🔥, 0💬

What Is Ketcher Indigo Interface
What is Ketcher Indigo interface? Ketcher Indigo interface is part of the Ketcher JavaScript API that allows you to use some Indigo Toolkit functionalities. To access Ketcher Indigo interface, you need to access the "ketcher" object as a property of the content "window" object of the "iframe" where ...
2023-11-13, 394🔥, 0💬

Ketcher Indigo Interface
Where to find FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Ketcher Indigo Interface? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Ketcher Indigo Interface. What Is Ketcher Indigo Interface indigo.calculate() - Calculates Chemical Properties indigo.ge...
2023-11-13, 316🔥, 0💬

indigo.calculate() - Calculates Chemical Properties
How to calculate chemical properties of a given structure with the indigo.calculate() method? If you want to calculate chemical properties like mass and weight of a given chemical structure you can use the indigo.calculate() method on the Ketcher Indigo interface. Here is an HTML document that shows...
2023-11-09, 339🔥, 0💬

indigo.generateImageAsBase64() - Generate Image as Base64
How to generate images of a given structure as a Base64 encoded string with the indigo.generateImageAsBase64() method? If you want to generate an image of a given structure in PNG, JPEG, or SVG format and Base64 encoded, you can use the indigo.generateImageAsBase64() method on the Ketcher Indigo int...
2023-11-09, 321🔥, 0💬

Ketcher User Interface Menu Icons
What are Ketcher user interface menu icons? Ketcher user interface menu icons are organized into 4 toolbars: 1. Action toolbar - Displayed horizontally at the top of the window, the main toolbar contains the following buttons to perform different actions: Clear canvas - Removes everything in the edi...
2023-11-06, 330🔥, 0💬

Ketcher Editor User Interface
Where to find FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Ketcher Chemical Structure Editor User Interface? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Ketcher Chemical Structure Editor User Interface. Ketcher User Interface Menu Icons Show InChI S...
2023-11-06, 285🔥, 0💬

Ketcher - Chemical Structure Editor
Where to find FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Ketcher, Chemical Structure Editor in JavaScript? I want to learn more about Ketcher. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Ketcher, Chemical Structure Editor in JavaScript...
2023-11-02, 1265🔥, 0💬

Introduction to Ketcher
Where to find FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on basic understanding of Ketcher, Chemical Structure Editor in JavaScript? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on basic understanding of Ketcher, Chemical Structure Editor in JavaScript. ...
2023-11-02, 400🔥, 0💬

Use Ketcher as JS Library Without UI
How to Ketcher as a JavaScript library without the editor UI? Since Ketcher offers so many API functions, we can just use it as a JavaScript library without its editor UI. Here is an HTML document that shows you how to hide the Ketcher editor UI and use it as JavaScript library: &lt;html&gt;...
2023-10-27, 455🔥, 0💬

Show InChI String on Ketcher
How to display the InChI string of the molecule in Ketcher editor? You can follow steps below to display the InChI string of the molecule in Ketcher editor. 1. Open Ketcher editor as shown in previous tutorial. 2. Select the "Benzene" button in the template toolbar at the bottom of the editor window...
2023-10-27, 300🔥, 0💬

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